The Resource Mobilization and Capacity Building (RMCB) programme is the newest of ACDEF Programmes inspired by the first 8 years of operation and the realization that access to and benefit from adequate financial resources remain one of the barriers facing most local NGOs in Africa. This situation has been exacerbated in recent years by the international financial downturn and local NGOs in Africa are facing fierce competition to access the increasingly limited financial resources.
So what does ACDEF RMCB programme offer to local NGOs in Africa?
ACDEF RMCB programme typically takes the burden of fundraising off the shoulder of local Africa’s NGOs, allowing them to concentrate on what they do best: getting their hands dirty and making it effectively happen on the ground for the benefit of nature and people in Africa. This is achieved through the following five specific streams of support.
1.Developing project proposals: ACDEF RMCB programme is fully aware of Africa’s challenges and opportunities in the broader area of sustainable development, understands, interprets, formulates and communicates the needs of Africa’s NGOs in the most authoritative way. We aim to link these needs to potential donors worldwide and ensuring the best value for money in project and programme delivery and impact monitoring.
2.Donor mapping and Donor intelligence: ACDEF RMCB programme has access to thousands of potential donors from both statutory and non-statutory sources based in the Western world. We have a system in place to rapidly screen those potential donors and match them to each project proposal in a relatively short period of time. We can equally conduct intelligence and trend analysis for your donors to see where their money goes and why.
3.Formulating online funding applications: ACDEF RMCB programme understands well and has familiarised itself with the donor languages. We have a dedicated team with a wealth of expertise best able to convert project proposals into winning funding applications. Our target is to link potential donors in the Western world to the needy in Africa with limited overhead and operational costs.
4.Submission of funding proposals to potential donors on behalf of client NGOs and follow-up: ACDEF is a registered charity in the UK (No 1125961) and will soon seek for the 501(c)(3) not- for-profit status in the USA. We are therefore well positioned to act as fiscal sponsor for Africa local NGOs.
5.Tailored training in technical, financial management and reporting: ACDEF RMCB programme understands that not all the NGOs in Africa know how to organize their structure properly. We can come in handy to help you figure out where you are, where you want to be and how you want to get there through the development of a strategic plan, a business plan or a fundraising
plan. We can also assist in establishing and running reliable and robust financial system, allowing you to account transparently for and report effectively on the funding secured through our programme.
Our fees:
Our primary aim is to support Africa’s local NGOs to secure the funding they need to do their work. We therefore do not apply unreasonable fees for our services. We negotiate our fees on a case-by-case basis.
Should you wish to take advantage of this unique opportunity to consolidate and expand your operations, please get in touch with our team via Email at and we will link you to a dedicated fundraising officer who will work you through our detailed process.